Opening an estate bank account can make it easier for you to transfer the frozen assets so you can pay out what you need. The process of setting up a transfer on death account is straightforward.Your beneficiaries will have immediate access to your bank accounts and investments after your death while avoiding the hassle and delays of probate court. We display the most recent Arizona bank owned properties listed in our MLS, not all make it online. They sell too quickly! Probate property typically belongs to a deceased person, or a beneficiary from their will, so it can often be sold for less than market value. The next step is opening a bank account for the estate. (Arizona Revised Statutes, Section 14-3971)You would simply get the form and instructions from the court's website, fill out the form and have it notarized. A transferable on death (TOD) form allows you to transfer assets to named beneficiaries. To help you complete the Petition, you should read and follow the ACCOUNTING.