To close a bank account on behalf of someone who has passed away, you must have legal authority to manage the account. (Arizona Revised Statutes, Section 14-3971)You would simply get the form and instructions from the court's website, fill out the form and have it notarized.When listing a bank account, brokerage account or annuity, you will want to list the value as of the date of death. To close a bank account after death, you must completely liquidate its funds. List all checking accounts, savings accounts, money market accounts: (include name of bank, address, account type, name account is under, account number). Enclosed with this letter are the death certificate and my legal authorization as the executor. You can use this letter template to write to the bank to request the closure of a direct payments account following the death of the account holder. The investigation into this incident is now closed," the Pima County Sheriff's Department said in a news release. Using these data and adjusting such variables as projected enrollment, tuition and. This document gives you the details about your Medicare health care and prescription drug coverage from January 1 – December 31, 2025.