Ask the company or institution (like a bank) that has the property if they have an Affidavit for you to use. When you open a bank account for the estate, the account name must indicate that it is an estate account and not your personal account.Discover the precise steps to secure Letters of Testamentary in California. Our comprehensive guide makes the process straightforward and hassle-free. Estate Bank Account Information: A separate bank account should be opened for the estate. In this post, we'll walk through each section of the DE111 form, providing stepbystep instructions on how to fill it out correctly and avoid common mistakes. These instructions are for a decedent's simple estate, where this form will be filed once with a complete list of assets to that make up the estate. Probate is the legal process of appointing a person to administer an estate, determine whether a valid Will exists, marshall the assets of the decedent. Below you will find links to useful forms and documents for easy and convenient access. Once you have dealt with the real property, you will need to identify all of the other trust assets, e.g.