Do you know how to find out if you are a beneficiary on a bank account? Before you start Make sure you qualify to use this process The estate is "small," which means it is valued under a set amount.Get the resources you need to help navigate someone else's financial affairs. When a bank account is stuck in probate, it costs grieving heirs valuable time and money. DISCLAIMER: Our Self-Help Center staff is not your private attorney and does not represent any party. "A will is a legal document that says, 'This is what I want to happen to my estate when I pass away,'" Korenic explained. If I transfer real estate to my trust can the bank call my loan? Why do I need a Pour Over Will if I have a Living Trust? Executors must keep accurate records of all financial transactions and provide an accounting of the estate's assets and expenses. Now that you have your estate tax ID number, you will need to go to a bank of your choosing to set up the estate account.