Payableondeath (POD) accounts, This designates a beneficiary to whom funds from the account will be disbursed upon the account holder's death. Decedent died on (date): at (place): a resident of the county named above.You'll receive an email within 24 hours explaining what documents are needed to complete your claim. Typically, we require: A copy of the death certificate. If you are a beneficiary on a bank account and need a death certificate to claim the funds but the relatives won't provide one, you have a few options. You'll just need the death certificate and your ID. The bank should close the account and make checks payable to the beneficiary. Below you will find links to useful forms and documents for easy and convenient access. How to fill out and record a TOD deed. What if I change my mind? In a small estate affidavit, are the decedent's bank accounts frozen with no access to the executor?