Do you know how to find out if you are a beneficiary on a bank account? DISCLAIMER: Our Self-Help Center staff is not your private attorney and does not represent any party.About this Item. Title. Also, if your name is written on a power of attorney document besides being named in the bank account as the next to kin. Send that to the County Clerk where the deceased died. Customer. I do have a complicated situation and trying to find a way around the executor. Section 480(b) of the Revenue and Taxation Code requires that the personal representative file this statement with the Assessor. This comprehensive guide discusses how to close a revocable trust after death as well as how to close an irrevocable trust after death. Well, as the beneficiary, you should be able to call the company and get them a death certificate to pay you out. You might need to provide evidence that you lived in the property, for example bank statements, bills or benefit letters.