When you open a bank account for the estate, the account name must indicate that it is a conservatorship account and not your personal account. Ask the company or institution (like a bank) that has the property if they have an Affidavit for you to use.You cannot open an estate account without Letters of Administration but based on the amount involved, Letters are not necessary. Not all estates need to go through formal probate. Depending on how the property is owned, and the type and amount of property, you may not need to go to court. Discover the San Bernardino Probate Court: Your ultimate guide for probate proceedings in San Bernardino County. Expert advice and helpful resources. Discover how to handle probate in California when executors or heirs are located out of state. An estate accounting should account for every asset in a decedent's estate, no matter how seemingly insignificant the asset is. Now that you have your estate tax ID number, you will need to go to a bank of your choosing to set up the estate account.