When you open a bank account for the estate, the account name must indicate that it is a conservatorship account and not your personal account. You cannot open an estate account without Letters of Administration but based on the amount involved, Letters are not necessary.Not all estates need to go through formal probate. Depending on how the property is owned, and the type and amount of property, you may not need to go to court. After you get a Writ of Execution, you can use it to ask that money be taken from the other side's bank account. This is called a bank levy. Banks require estates to have an EIN in order to open a bank account in the estate's name. You can pay in person at 268 West Hospitality Lane in San Bernardino, California. Probate bonds and blocked accounts are designed for estate protection, but are they foolproof? The Probate Department of the Court handles decedents' estates, trusts, and conservatorships.