The process of claiming a bank account after death varies based on a number of factors. Here's how to claim a deceased person's bank accounts.The next step is opening a bank account for the estate. Step 1: Prepare and file the following forms (you will need to provide the original and at least one photocopy of each form). You cannot open an estate account without Letters of Administration but based on the amount involved, Letters are not necessary. Fill out form DE-310 , Petition to Determine Succession to Real Property. You can use this form for clearing title to Real and Personal Property. What I needed to open an estate account were what the courts in the state of the deceased person called "letters of office. Along with the account numbers, list the locations of the documents, such as a safe deposit box or file cabinet. File the final income tax returns of a deceased person for current and prior years, pay any balance due and claim the refund.