Payableondeath bank accounts allow a bank to release funds to a named beneficiary on the account holder's death without the beneficiary having to go to court. A trustee may withdraw funds from the account.A beneficiary may not withdraw funds from the account before all trustees are deceased. If you are the executor of a deceased person's estate in Texas, you may be able to withdraw money from their bank account without going through probate. To close a bank account on behalf of someone who has passed away, you must have legal authority to manage the account. Smaller estates are often settled through faster, less formal methods. In Texas, your bank accounts could be subject to probate, or they might bypass the process entirely if you've made the right arrangements. A small estate affidavit can allow an heir to claim bank accounts and other estate assets much faster and at far less cost than through a probate. From there, we'll gather any documentation needed, make account changes and complete a funds disbursement.