If funds are sent directly to the bank, you should notify the bank and ask them to return them. When a joint account holder dies, the surviving account holder may need to submit this affidavit to access the account funds."P.O.D. payee" means a person designated on a P.O.D. account as one to whom the account is payable on request after the death of one or more persons. Notify Bank of America. We'll ask you for the deceased customer's full legal name and Social Security number to identify their accounts. Probate is necessary in the following situations: 1. The deceased person owned real property (i.e. In Utah, you can add a "payable-on-death" (POD) designation to bank accounts such as savings accounts or certificates of deposit. Our transferondeath deed creation service makes it easy. Real property owned solely in the decedent's name, or as a tenant in common;. 2.