A. Accounts must be filed with the Commissioner of Accounts. If you file electronically, be sure to indicate that the taxpayer is deceased.If you file on paper, fill in the deceased oval on the form. This manual is intended to assist persons who are involved in the administration of a decedent's estate in Virginia. Form CC-1670 is the required form for the filing of an Inventory of the assets of a decedent's probate estate. The order of priority for payment of debts of the decedent in an insolvent estate is found in Virginia Code §64.2-528 through 64.2-530. 2. After obtaining it, the personal representative can go to a bank in Virginia and open a separate estate interest bearing checking account. Make a list of the decedent's debts: What bills are coming in the mail? • Locate a copy of the decedent's taxes from the prior year if possible. A resource for fiduciaries filing in henrico county virginia.