To close a bank account on behalf of someone who has passed away, you must have legal authority to manage the account. You should produce the concerned Bank branch the death certificate from municipal authority as proof of that persons demise.For joint accounts "with the right of survivorship" the survivor owns all of the money in the account, but you still must notify the bank of the death. To close a bank account after death, you must completely liquidate its funds. The letters cite reasons for closure such as relocating, no longer needing the account, job changes, and death of an account holder. If you no longer need your employer identification number (EIN), we can't cancel it, but we can deactivate it. Welcome to Cadence Bank. Get the resources you need to help navigate someone else's financial affairs. The letters cite reasons for closure such as relocating, no longer needing the account, job changes, and death of an account holder. The term serious health condition has the same meaning as used in OPM's regulations for administering the Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993 (FMLA).