Instructions and the accompanying Sample Account, or else you must make a complete accounting that complies with the provisions of Virginia Code Sections 64.2-. In all cases, you need to show that your fee is reasonable according to the instructions in the trust; or, if there are no instructions, according to guidelines.Complete the Certificate of Trust. It is an informal document that will give your loved one's important information about personal and financial matters after your death. Introduction. This manual is intended to assist persons who are involved in the administration of a decedent's estate in Virginia. A letter of instruction is an informal document in your estate planning toolkit. Affidavit of Notice Regarding Estate (PDF) - This form states who was sent notice required in number 2 above. Most real estate should be held in the name of the Trust. In our RLT, Article Four contains all the important Trustee instructions and provisions. Before completing Schedule 1, complete all applicable schedules on the back of Form 770.