Hi, My parents passed away in another state and my estate attorney has told me I can open an estate account at any bank. Do you know how to find out if you are a beneficiary on a bank account?Generally, if you have bad credit, you will NOT be allowed to act as the administrator of the estate of parent or loved one. To collect the deceased person's cash assets and to have a way to pay the bills, you'll need a bank account for estate funds. Pay the debts, bills and taxes. It's advisable to open a separate bank account and to put the estate's funds there so you can use them to make related payments. With no bank visits, hassles or fees, Probate Express is the easy, stress-free estate account that's secure, convenient, insured and accessible from everywhere. Please note: For all account types, we require a death certificate. The funds in a bank account are available for the executor to use to cover debts, taxes, and other estate costs. Make your accounts joint. 2.