An estate is a non-physical entity and since the check is issued to it, there needs to be a separate account to handle and negotiate the funds. Estate accounts can only be created after the estate has an IRS-issued tax identification number called an employer identification number (EIN).Please note: For all account types, we require a death certificate. Take the death certificate to the bank they will have filled out a card stating who will receive the money when the pass away . Small estate affidavits do in fact allow someone to handle the estate without qualifying with a clerk and that's the entire point of them. There may be a need to establish an account in the name of the estate. Factors include the type of account, is there an estate, is there a will, or does the account have named beneficiaries. Banks require estates to have an EIN in order to open a bank account in the estate's name. How long will it take for estate funds held in bank accounts to be released? While the process for accessing a bank account after death usually isn't complicated, taking the time to understand bank account beneficiary rules can help.