Get routing numbers for Wells Fargo checking, savings, prepaid card, line of credit, and wire transfers or find your checking account number. In order to obtain a blank copy of the Wells Fargo Direct Deposit Form, select the button below the image on the right labeled "PDF."If you are a Wells Fargo customer, please include your account number in your correspondence. To find the address of a Wells Fargo branch, use our Locator. A bank letter is an official document from your bank that provides important information about your business' official bank account. Direct deposit is the electronic transfer of net pay from an employer's financial institution to an employee's personal bank account. Some checks you write might be listed as "ACH" transactions on your bank statement. For the second time this year, Wells Fargo has acknowledged that direct deposits were not showing up in customers' accounts. What information do I need to wire money through Wells Fargo? Cash Assistance Direct Deposit Enrollment.