A rent receipt is a "proof of payment" document that shows the rental price paid, any added fees, and the date the rent was paid. Learn why landlords use a rent receipt, what to include, and download a free rent receipt template in both Excel and PDF formats.Next, indicate the amount paid and the method of payment, such as cash, check, or money order. It serves as a formal acknowledgment that the tenant has paid the rent for a specific period, typically a month. Provide your tenants with a Rent Receipt and keep track of rent payments. A completed rent receipt should include the date of payment, the amount paid, the tenant name, and the tenant's signature. Personal days that the Board opted to pay the Superintendent based on leave pay-out policy for district retirees. Prepare a form letter for acknowledging receipt of an application. This should be duplicated so that it can be sent out the day the application is received. After you attend your conference, please completely fill out this form: GPSG Travel Grant Application.