If you return this form to the sender, service of a summons is deemed complete on the day you sign the acknowledgment of receipt below. What you will find in this packet: • Petition for Probate (DE-111).Learn what an acknowledgement receipt is and how to create one for your business (with a template and two examples). Duties of Conservator and Acknowledgment of Receipt of Handbook for Conservators. GC-350, Letters of Conservatorship. An acknowledgment is one of the most common types of notarial acts, but it often confuses Notaries. Here are 5 steps to performing an acknowledgment. In addition to filing a completed, verified Claim Form, the claimant must also fill out and file applicable documentation described in. After filing for divorce and serving your spouse, you must file a proof of service with the Court using form FL-115. Here is how to fill form FL-115.