The sample acknowledgement letters for receipt of payment provided below can be used as format templates for official and personal purposes. If you return this form to the sender, service of a summons is deemed complete on the day you sign the acknowledgment of receipt below.This letter serves as an official acknowledgment of the receipt of payment for the property located at 456 Maple Avenue, Fort Worth, TX 76101. The Treasurer and Tax Collector mails the Annual Secured Property Tax Bills each year in October to every owner listed on the Secured Tax Roll. Tell the court that the other party received a summons or other legal papers in a civil case that were delivered to (served on) that party. Acknowledgment receipts are useful for confirming that employees have received handbooks, policies and other employmentrelated agreements. In addition to the Cover Letter (submittal item A), can resumes and administrative elements of the proposal (submittal items G through J) be. This is a great place to start your international shipping journey. Access unbeatable wholesale shipping rates from a trusted provider. All terms in this document are applicable to the singular as well as the plural forms of such terms.