Complete the front of the form and the "Affidavit for Judgment Debtor Examination" section on the bottom of the form. Get free California rent receipt templates for landlords and tenants to document rent payments securely and efficiently.For receipting transactions involving cash or checks, departments should use a prenumbered receipt form which can be obtained from the Spartan Marketplace. • File with the Michigan Bureau of Elections for a federal or state office that includes more than one county, and all statewide offices. First-year and transfer students can find enrollment deposit instructions here as well as information on enrollment waivers. You or the server must file the proof of service or acknowledgement of service with the court where you filed your case. Michigan Rent Receipt. A rent receipt is a form that helps landlords and tenants prove the tenant paid the rent and that the landlord received the payment. Maintain letter of acknowledgment of receipt of sabbatical report in staff member's personnel file. Why do I have to fill out this Annual Report on guardianship when you have already sent someone out to review us?