Apellido, Nombre y Cargo del Empleador o Representante Autorizado. Firma del Empleador o Represente Autorizado.To complete an enterable form on a computer: Download the Word document to your computer. Open your saved file and select the View tab in the upper left corner. Use this form to file your annual renewal once every calendar year. There is no fee for filing the annual renewal if the entity is active and in good standing. ¿Cómo puedo obtener una copia de mis comprobantes de salarios e impuestos, (Formulario W-2)? Nota: Debe presentar una solicitud de asilo dentro del primer año de su llegada a Estados Unidos, a menos que hayan cambiado las circunstancias que afectan. This is not tax advice this is just information on how to fill out a Minnesota W4. The Public Benefit annual report is required to be filed between January 1st and March 31st.