Learn why landlords use a rent receipt, what to include, and download a free rent receipt template in both Excel and PDF formats. A rent receipt is a form that helps landlords and tenants prove the tenant paid the rent and that the landlord received the payment.Next, indicate the amount paid and the method of payment, such as cash, check, or money order. You need to fill out a written Affidavit in Support form and an Order to Show Cause form to give to the court. Explore the importance of rental receipts in our latest blog post. Learn how to create and use them effectively for a smooth landlord-tenant relationship. Provide your tenants with a Rent Receipt and keep track of rent payments. A completed rent receipt should include the date of payment, the amount paid, the tenant name, and the tenant's signature. Courier service, signed acknowledgment of receipt required. What if I live in a rent regulated apartment?