An Acknowledgment of Receipt (AOR) is an official letter that IRCC sends you confirming they have received your application and will start processing it. "AOR" stands for "Acknowledgment of Receipt.An Acknowledgment of Receipt (AOR) serves as an official confirmation from IRCC that they have successfully received your application. If we start processing your application, we'll send you an acknowledgement of receipt letter or email with an application number. Aor is an official letter that the ircc sends you confirming they have received your application and will start processing it. The PDF file says (This is to acknowledge receipt of your application for Canadian Citizenship. You should mail the divorce papers (Complaint, Summons, and Notice of Initial Hearing) to your spouse's last known address after you file the case. Create a passcode for this ticket to view information and responses. Passcodes must be a minimum of 15 characters and contain at least one lowercase letter. 2) Aerial Reconnaissance.