This is the easiest way to electronically fill out the forms and prevent losing any information that you've entered. If this form is used to establish the purchase price of your vehicle, a notary is required.6601 Ritchie Highway, N.E., Glen Burnie, Maryland 21062. Para presentar una solicitud, debe enviar una solicitud por escrito, en un formato no alternativo. Si tiene alguna discapacidad que le impida llenar esta. If you are claiming out-of-state tax credits, calculate PA taxable wages using the above formula. Do not use the figure in W-2 Box 1. This form is used to obtain a Pennsylvania Certificate of Title for vehicles not currently titled in Pennsylvania, or which were repossessed (1. This form is used to obtain a Pennsylvania Certificate of Title for vehicles not currently titled in Pennsylvania, or which were repossessed (1. It may be filed only in a Pennsylvania magisterial district court and not in the Philadelphia Municipal Court.