Learn what an acknowledgement receipt is and how to create one for your business (with a template and two examples). (Name): We are acknowledging receipt of your application on (date of receipt).This document is a receipt acknowledging payment received from an individual or entity. Yes, direct deposit is available and the form is available online at www . If you need to speak with someone, please visit your nearest branch or call (520) 887-5010 or toll-free at (800) Pima-FCU (746-2328). PREFACE. This volume of Decisions of the Department of the Interior covers the period from January 1, 1964, to December 31, 1964. A completed Affidavit of Support, along with a bank statement or bank certification, verifying availability of funds in the amount required. It includes all kinds of things like money. (Name): We are acknowledging receipt of your application on (date of receipt). How many clients and legal matters may a lawyer reasonably expect to have the first year?