If you receive a letter asking for missing information or documentation to support what you claimed on your return, it doesn't mean you did anything wrong. An acknowledgment is one of the most common types of notarial acts, but it often confuses Notaries.Here are 5 steps to performing an acknowledgment. You can view your information and complete certain transactions online. Learn what an acknowledgement receipt is and how to create one for your business (with a template and two examples). You don't need to fill out an Affidavit of Service if the person you serve signs and dates a copy of the OSC acknowledging that he or she received the papers. Did you receive a letter asking you to complete Form DTF32, DTF33, DTF36, TD210.2, TD210.3, or TD210.7? This letter is to acknowledge receipt of your resume or on-line application and to thank you for expressing interest in working in our school district. Filling out your questionnaire online will decrease the amount of time needed to confirm your request to be excused. You should make a copy of your completed renewal application to keep for your records.