The sample acknowledgement letters for receipt of payment provided below can be used as format templates for official and personal purposes. By signing this document, I acknowledge receipt of the filed document and waive the requirement that I receive notice of this hearing.This letter serves as an official acknowledgment of the receipt of payment for the property located at 456 Maple Avenue, Fort Worth, TX 76101. If you return this form to the sender, service of a summons is deemed complete on the day you sign the acknowledgment of receipt below. We will send an e-mail confirmation acknowledging receipt of the form and respond to all requests within three business days. This pamphlet provides specific guidance on how to apply for a permit from the New England District of the United States Army Corps of Engineers,. 13. How much does a permit cost, and when do I pay for it? On January 31, 2020, an action was commenced against defendant in the. Superior Court of California, County of Riverside, titled Sandoval v. 1: Letter inclosing item to corresponding bank.