Tell the court that the other party received a summons or other legal papers in a civil case that were delivered to (served on) that party. Download and print child support forms, including income declarations, referrals, balance disputes, and others.An effective donor stewardship program acknowledges a gift in writing in a timely, accurate, and gracious manner. Every gift to UC San Diego is acknowledged. Instructions to submit forms online: Most forms are available in an online format. A collection of all the forms and and documents that are posted on the San Diego Housing Commission's (SDHC) website, listed in one location. Instructions to submit forms online: Most forms are available in an online format. One-page letter of appeal (Word or PDF document) detailing your extenuating circumstance (e.g. The next step is to write the acknowledgment statement, where you include the name of the item or document the recipient is accepting. We recommend reviewing the colleges when completing your ranking.