Acknowledgment receipts are useful for confirming that employees have received handbooks, policies and other employmentrelated agreements. The New York State Unified Court System offers free instruction booklets and forms for people starting a divorce.Thank you for your response received on November 6, 2009, to the Notice of Violation issued on October 8, 2009. By bidding on any property being offered for auction, you acknowledge that you have either: (1). Wayne State University affirms Indigenous sovereignty and honors all tribes with a connection to Detroit. Once a password reset link is sent via email it requires receiving a text message for verification. You can acknowledge receipt of the message and then set out the steps for a more considered reply. More information means fewer questions! Sending a signed letter or statement to Wayne State University's HR Department. Adobe Acrobat Reader works best to view or fill-in the forms on this website and allows you to see all the options in the fillable forms.