For a sample release used in the employment context, see Standard Document, Separation and Release of Claims Agreement (GA). (7-584-3445). An employment agreement extension is a contract between an employer and employee that extends the term of the original contract agreements.When you want to define the terms of a working relationship between two or more parties, consider writing a letter of agreement. Use our Employment Contract to hire an employee for your business, and define details like wages and working hours. This letter (this "Agreement") sets forth the terms and conditions upon which Sitel Operating Corporation (the "Company") offers to employ you in the position. A generic form of release agreement under Georgia law for use when parties to a commercial contract are terminating or have terminated the contract. Instructions for completing paper forms. Please make checks and money orders payable to the Georgia Department of Revenue. In the past, Georgia did not enforce restrictive employment contracts like non-competition agreements, but in recent years the laws have changed. Employee's serious health condition, form WH-380-E (Spanish) - Use when a leave request is due to the medical condition of the employee.