Model Corporate Resolution for SBA Commitment. Enter the company's name and the amount of money you're applying for, provide the full names and titles of the officers presenting at the board meeting.Applying for an SBIC license is a three-part process: Pre-screening review (Short Form 2181); Management Assessment Questionnaire (MAQ) and MAQ fee Our office provides help with SBA services including funding programs, counseling, federal contracting certifications, and disaster recovery. Bexar County offers a variety of resources to assist entrepreneurs and small businesses in connecting with Bexar County. Please indicate if you are filling out this form as: Authorized Agent. Fiduciary. Find out how to apply for a small business disaster loan if your business suffered damage and is in a presidentially declared disaster area. View information about property taxes and exemptions. This form is essential for businesses applying for loans through the SBA. It ensures proper authorization from the organization's officers.