Each year the New York City Council awards discretionary funds to nonprofit organizations to meet local needs. Zoning Resolution determinations may only be requested on the ZRD1 form.All other issues requiring determinations must be requested on the CCD1 form. Submit. A New York corporation resolution form is a legal document that directors of a corporation adopt to document consent and agreement between all relevant parties. Form a corporation, limited liability company (LLCs), limited partnership or more and do business in New York State. Identify the required fields such as dates and names of board members. We're even going to share a few nonprofit board resolution templates with you to help make your resolution-writing much easier. As of September 30, 2024, grantees have provided legal assistance to over 44,000 households, representing a rapid scale-up to meet tenant needs. The Bronx Community Foundation supports and invests in community power to eradicate inequity and build sustainable futures for all Bronxites. Here are some items to take care of right away and others that will help you prioritize and stay on track.