To submit your resolution, please fill out the online form below and click the "Submit" button when finished. A complete set of the resolutions is included in the Delegate Handbook that is mailed to delegates prior to the meeting of the House of Delegates.Resolution to Conduct Hearings RE: Alleged Issues of Discrimination in the Education System in MI - March 26, 2018 Download. This form can be used to formulate proposals for new resolutions or changes to standing resolutions. Each form must contain only one recommendation. One area that can trip up a growing company is the question of who possesses the authority to bind a company through signing legal documents – and when. Please send this completed form to Green Century Funds, P.O. Box 588, Portland, ME 04112. (See attached sample resolution.) A township may apply for the full designation or for a certificate of achievement for one or more individual sections. This would come in handy for corporate lawyers in the event of a legal dispute. Include Location, Date, and Time.