A resolution to open a corporate account needs to include information about your corporation, the bank, the account and the authorized users. Just fill in the information requested in the blanks, sign and date the resolution, and you should be able to open a bank account for your LLC, hassle-free.Get a board resolution template sample to open a bank account and save as a . Opening Bank Accounts: Corporations often adopt resolutions to authorize the opening of bank accounts or designate signatories for these accounts. A Corporate Banking Resolution authorizes the opening of one or more bank accounts for the corporation. Select your state to get started. It defines the representatives who are authorized to manage the company's bank account, including their roles and privileges. When a corporation needs to open an account for corporate funds, board members can authorize it through a vote. The resolution officially authorizes members to open a bank account, apply for loans, and make withdrawals in the company's name. A Corporate Banking Resolution authorizes the opening of one or more bank accounts for the corporation.