Model Corporate Resolution for SBA Commitment. Using our PDF tool, you can fill out the SBA Form 160 in no time.Use the fields to narrow your search and select the "Search for documents" button to see your results. Summary: This form is used to certify the use of 504 loan proceeds, appoint a servicing agent, and impose fees. In this workshop, we cover all things concerning your COVID Economic Injury Disaster Loan (EIDL) in conjunction with the US Small Business Administration. Summary: The SOP provides the policies and procedures for 504 loan servicing and liquidation. Businesses must complete the Targeted EIDL Advance application to be considered for the Supplemental Targeted Advance. Resolution No. ORA- 0456 with the description of the. Amended and Restated SBA Programs in the form attached hereto as. After completing work on its budget totals, Congress begins considering annual appropriations bills.