Churches are subject to the provisions of their governing documents, which generally include a charter and a constitution or bylaws (in some cases both). The Church Name Change Resolution form is available free to download, customize and print for your church administration office.It is advisable to include "confidentiality," "biblical counseling," "Conflict. The Church of God states its position on many issues of social significance and global events through resolutions adopted at the biennial General Assembly. Please read all instructions prior to completing any form or registration. Her submission contained a request for a religious exemption and a medical exemption. Use this form to identify the officers or other persons who are authorized to act on Pennsylvania 529 Guaranteed Savings Plan (GSP). Please submit your photograph of the Harrisburg Pennsylvania Temple of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints to our gallery. Cunningham then started with a two minute Bethlehem video. Mr. Cunningham mentioned the video is a regional approach and is produced locally in.