Resolutions cover a wide range of issues and come in three different forms: Joint Resolutions, Concurrent Resolutions, and Simple Resolutions. A concurrent resolution is used when both chambers have an interest in a particular matter.Texas PTA resolutions and legislative positions seek to address problems, situations or concerns that affect children and youth statewide. Resolutions of Authority name an individual that is authorized to act on behalf of a Corporation, Partnership, or. Company. The distinction between an ordinance and a resolution is in subject matter, not terminology. What do you send to the Court of Appeals, what makes up the record? Of course, any city that never filled out the form as required should do so now. Local Hotel Occupancy Tax Reporting. Resolutions allow the student's voices to be heard, create a change, and to pressure your government representatives to listen to your demands as a constituent. There are 2 ways to get forms from TexasLawHelp.