This accreditation system provides a mechanism for early learning programs to demonstrate their commitment to high-quality early childhood education. You cannot request a correction online.A written statement signed in front of an official, like a notary public, who says the person signing who he or she claims to be. You may be eligible to take up to 12 weeks of Paid Family Leave at 67 percent of your pay, up to a cap. See below for complete instructions on how to apply. Acknowledgments and jurats are different notarizations with different purposes, each requires its own certificate wording. An account stated is an agreed balance between the parties. For example, as children begin to crawl or walk, they gain new possibilities for exploring the world. This data dashboard provides an overview of the child care and early learning landscape at the national level and in all 50 states and the District of Columbia. Developmental disorders in early childhood–United States, 2011–2012.