For legal advice on what you should do, please call the Alameda County Bar. I am writing to inform you that I disagree with all debts you are collecting on or are placed with your company, in my name.I'll send out the letter to the Plaintiff's Legal Counsel and file the General Denial Answer at the same time and then the Motion to Dismiss. You have 30 days to respond to a debt lawsuit in California. They can also sometimes help with writing letters and filling out short forms. Services will be provided virtually. AW Law Group in Alameda County CA is a superior law practice for Debt Settlement, Immigration, and also any legal Business services at affordable prices. Call several weeks in advance to reserve open slots – the clinics fill up quickly. Are there rental units in the City of Alameda that are not subject at all to the Ordinance? Yes, see section 6-58.20 of the Rent Ordinance(PDF, 3MB).