IF the client punches out the attorney in the courtroom, that should be good for a withdrawal. The Court Clerk should be able to give you the formal address of the Judge's Chambers.1. In the sample letter, fill in your personal information. Clients Entitled to Receive Notice. You may want to go to the vourthouse and get a copy of the actual court file from the clerk to see if your lawyer gave you everything in the file. I, the undersigned, have received the court records as indicated below and agree to return the records on the date indicated above as the. Date to Be Returned. After the motion to withdraw his guilty plea was denied, plaintiff requested the court to appoint another attorney to assist in the matter. The original writers and editors of the Handbook (formerly the NLG Jailhouse Lawyers Manual), Brian. Rule 19: The launch of RPIE 2.0 and requiring that complete leases or lease summaries be provided for income producing properties.