Intheblanks form authorizing an individual filing agent to efile documents on behalf of a single attorney. The Eastern District has 30 Article III Judges and 16 Magistrate Judges.Statewide forms (categories). The Bankruptcy Court for the Eastern District of New York is a unit of the US District Court for the Eastern District of New York and covers the five counties. Brooklyn District Attorney Eric Gonzalez today announced a comprehensive strategy to fight gun violence in Brooklyn and dedicated unprecedented new resources. Assistant District Attorney at Office of the District Attorney, Kings County. District Attorney of County of Kings, 847 F. Supp. Learn about programs and organizations that give free legal advice and may help you find a free or lowcost attorney. Student loan forgiveness for District Attorneys, Assistant District Attorneys, or Indigent Legal Services Attorneys throughout New York State. Photo credit Township of Belleville: Performers in brilliant costumes lit up the winter night during Belleville's annual Three Kings Day celebration.