Requests for credit must be submitted no later than the close of the biennial compliance period. I am writing to inform you that I disagree with all debts you are collecting on or are placed with your company, in my name.This form is a template for an answer to a summons and complaint from a creditor. This form can be used statewide. I received a letter via Certified Mail regarding a credit card a few days ago. I'm not sure what to do. 1. In the sample letter, fill in your personal information. Answering a court summons in Ohio is as simple as filling out a few forms and delivering them to the court and the opposing party. A debt validation letter is a written communication that a consumer sends to a debt collector or creditor to request verification and validation of a debt. One way to fix an error on your credit report is to write a credit dispute letter and mail it to one or more credit bureaus.