The Court can only allow you to complete the credit counseling after filing if you meet all of the following conditions. Contact a credit report attorney in Philadelphia for help today and take back control of your life.We offer free consultations. The eFiling system allows case documents, such as pleadings, motions, and petitions, to be filed with the court using a computer and Internet connection. Forbes, PC suggests that you do so under the advisement of a Philadelphia credit report error attorney. The Guide for Opening a Civil Case and Filing a Civil Complaint provides detailed instructions for attorneys for how to file a new civil case electronically. The Philadelphia District Attorney's Office (DAO) is the largest prosecutor's office in Pennsylvania, serving more than 1.5 million residents. As the founding attorney at the Law Office of Michael P. Forbes, PC, I can help clients file credit report error lawsuits against credit reporting agencies. Michelle has over 13 years of experience assisting clients with debt relief and debt management. Protecting consumers and combating scams is a top priority of the Office of Attorney General.