Opting Out of Testing. In California, parents can opt out of testing for their child.THIS SCHOOL is an amazing school and I appreciate the opportunity to refuse this test. 1) Make copies and share this California Common Core Opt-Out form with other parents. Dream Act Application. 3. THE CALIFORNIA HEALTHY YOUTH ACT PARENT OPT-OUT LETTER FOR GRADES 7-12. Print and complete the CAASPP Opt-Out Form below and submit it to the main office of your child's school prior to the CAASPP testing window. If your district does not provide an opt-out form, ask how to opt out. CAL GRANT GPA OPT-OUT NOTIFICATION LETTER - Colton Joint Unified School District. The OPT-OUT Notice warns the school district that they are to follow your instructions regarding the role and teaching of the school in your child's life. ​.