My son will not be participating in state standardized testing during the current school year. This document provides guidance for opting out of standardized tests in Georgia.It lists the major tests given in Georgia, including the CRCT, EOCT, and GHSGT. To clarify, there is no legal "opt out" of mandated testing, including Georgia Milestones. Georgia parents have the right to refuse State Common core aligned standardized tests. We are writing today to formally notify you of our decision to not allow xxxxxx xxxxxx to take Georgia Milestones (EOG) this year. Parents can, however, submit a letter refusing the test. The student then goes through an appeals process for promotion. A great deal of rules, regulations, and policies regarding opting a student out of high stakes standardized tests are STATE SPECIFIC. GSU-62 students may opt out of the program if they wish to register prior to Late Registration.