This document provides guidance for opting out of standardized tests in Georgia. It lists the major tests given in Georgia, including the CRCT, EOCT, and GHSGT.THIS SCHOOL is an amazing school and I appreciate the opportunity to refuse this test. We are writing today to formally notify you of our decision to not allow xxxxxx xxxxxx to take Georgia Milestones (EOG) this year. Respectfully opt-out my elementary school child from doing homework. (The child is in first grade, and at this age, I believe homework is counter-productive.) THIS SCHOOL is an amazing school and I appreciate the opportunity to refuse this test. The survey takes less than 20 minutes to complete. It is totally anonymous and voluntary; students have the right to "opt out. We are writing today to formally notify you of our decision to not allow xxxxxx xxxxxx to take Georgia Milestones (EOG) this year.