Write a formal letter to your principal that states your decision. We write to let you know that as the parents of —–, we have decided that he will not participate in end-of-the-year state testing for the 2013-14 school year.If you do not want your student to participate, then please complete this parent opt-out form and return it to any Charlotte Mecklenburg Library branch. This blog will reveal how you can simplify optouts to meet compliance requirements and share optout text message examples for your business to use. We've gathered some of the best SMS optin templates to steer you in the right direction. We also provide some use case-specific examples you can draw from. The following are the topics discussed with students: • Setting Goals for the Future. • Media Influence and Manipulation. Opt-Out Media Release Form. SUN Bucks provides grocery-buying benefits to qualifying families with school-aged children during the summer months when schools are on summer break.