Our mission is to educate parents about the ASSA and empower them to opt their children out of taking this unconstitutional and detrimental test. Submit this letter at the beginning of the school year if possible and provide copies to the teachers, if you feel that would be appropriate (mainly.Parents do not have a legal right to withdraw their children from statemandated assessments in Arizona's public schools. My son will not be participating in state standardized testing during the current school year. You can also contact the local Census Bureau Regional Office that services your state. Do you use a syringe to draw it out of the sample port and then expel that into a med cup? If you want to find out more about our online degrees or certificate programs, fill out a request for information form or give us a call at 866-766-0766. File both forms at the location specified for the other application or petition. For example, if you are filing Form I-765 with Form I-539 or Form I-485. Thank you for contacting PHX Customer Service.