Sample Refusal (Opt Out) Letters. This page has links to opt out letters for the tests New York STATE gives to 3rd-8th graders every spring.Please accept this request to cancel my current application for F-1 Optional Practical Training. Nevermind the TEA telling them they can accept refusals. If you want your school's permission, you don't really want to Opt Out. You can download our sample letter in PDF form here: Notification of Intent to Withdraw a Student. An alphabeticalbytopic list is provided below containing information and downloadable PDF forms, when available, or links to external resources. Letter from you addressed to USCIS stating your reason for being out of status explaining how it resulted from circumstances beyond your control. If you change your mind at any time, and no longer wish to receive SMS messages, reply to a message with the word "OPTOUT" in all capital letters. Exciting forms of solidarity in the quest for a world based on equality and social justice for all.